Message by Retired HMJ Rekha Palli, High Court of Delhi

Dear readers,

Let me begin by expressing my joy at the conception of this blog. The core attribute, and ultimately the charm, of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) as well as subject-specific online resources, lies in their accessibility and reach. USLLS has managed to create a point of confluence for the two by way of this blog, which makes it special.

Our world now stands ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has completely altered our idea of justice. What once used to be normal – navigating heavily populated registry rooms for filing purposes, walking into a courtroom, making arguments before judges that are sitting in front of you, watching litigants mill about the lobbies and corridors of our courts – is a distant dream today. Justice and our pursuit for it, however, still occupy a primal, important place in our hearts and the society… Read more

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