From the 29thth of July 2022 to 2nd of August 2022, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Cell at the University School of Law and Legal Studies (USLLS ADR Cell) conducted a Value Addition Course on the topic “Resolving Disputes in the Metaverse”. The course saw participation from various universities and colleges from across the world, which include but are not limited to Kings College London, Istanbul University, Delhi University, Bennett University. The event was officially supported by Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and Careers in Arbitration. The course consisted of various maestros in the field of ADR from various jurisdictions such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Singapore, Romania and India, as instructors.
On the first day of the course i.e., 29th July 2022, the panel consisted of Ms. Niyati Ahuja, Associate at Steptoe & Johnson, New York; Ms. Elizabeth Chan, Associate at Allen & Overy, Hong Kong; Ms. Nour Nicolas, Associate at Foley Hoag LLP, New York; and Mr. Niraj Modha, Barrister at 39 Essex Chambers, London, United Kingdom.
The speakers shared the know-how of resolving disputes in the Metaverse by talking about various facets of the same. Ms. Chan began by introducing Metaverse to the audience its key features and disputes that may arise, following the same, she discussed the Enforcement issues that may arise in the metaverse with respect to arbitration. Then Ms. Ahuja shared her thoughts on how are ADR mechanisms feasible for disputes in the Metaverse. This was then followed by Ms. Nicolas’ highly specific insights on what are smart contracts and disputes that may arise pertaining to the same in the Metaverse. Lastly, Mr. Modha, spoke about Use of ODR and allied technologies in cross-border disputes, smart contract dispute resolution and resolving disputes pertaining to crypto transactions in the metaverse. At this juncture, the event culminated into moderated general discussion wherein the speakers shared their thoughts on the questions that were asked by the audience. The first day ended on a very warm note as the faculty advisors extended a vote of thanks.
On the second day of the course i.e., 30th July 2022, the panel consisted of Mr. Rishabh Malaviya, Deputy Counsel at Singapore International Arbitration Centre, Singapore; Mr. Garv Malhotra, Partner at Skywards Law, Delhi; Ms. Crenguta Leaua, Founding Partner & Professor, LDDP; Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania; Mr. Sahil Kanuga, Head of Commercial Disputes at Nishith Desai Associates, Delhi accompanied by Ms. Ritika Bansal, Member of Commercial Disputes team at Nishith Desai Associates, Delhi; Mr. Tejas Karia, Partner and Head of Arbitration at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas, Delhi.
As the guest speaker, Mr. Malaviya began sharing his thoughts on Future of Dispute Resolution Platforms in the Metaverse. Then, Mr. Malhotra spoke about how to better resolve disputes in the Metaverse using blockchain and disruptive technologies. Mr. Kanuga and Ms. Bansal shared their thoughts on Digital art and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) regulation and disputes pertaining to it in India compared to the rest of the world. Lastly, Mr. Tejas Karia spoke about the Self-governing nature of metaverse vis-a-vis regulation by the state. The session culminated with a controlled general conversation at this point, during which the presenters responded to the various questions from the audience. The day ended with a closing ceremony and the faculty advisors extending a vote of thanks to all the panellists.
The speaker for the third day of the course i.e., 31st July 2022 was Ms. Nisha Dhanraj, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies (MAIT), her session was primarily focused on Resolving Patent Disputes through ADR Mechanisms, she presented the audience with various developments in the Intellectual property rights across the world and its disputes. On the penultimate day of the course i.e., 1st August 2022, the speaker for the day Ms. Neelam Tyagi, Assistant Professor, Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi spoke about the Future prospects of Online Mediation in India. Lastly, on the 2nd of August 2022, the final day of the course, Ms. Misha Bahmani, Assistant Professor, IILM University, Gurugram spoke about the amalgamation of Public Policy and Arbitration. All the sessions were followed by a general discussion round were the audience asked highly thought provoking questions with regard to the topic of the speaker. The event ended on a very cordial note, as Prof. (Dr.) Vandana Singh and Prof. (Dr.) Zubair Khan thanked all the panelists of the Value Addition Course.
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